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Wednesday, 27 July 2016

'Wholemeal' Pastry

This is for me, so I remember a mighty fine pastry recipe. I'll triple test and refine it before I make a fuller post, but feel free to try it in the meantime.

This pastry is resilient, crunches well and doesn't crack. The texture is like wholemeal pastry. Perfect for quiches.

70g maize flour
70g buckwheat flour
50g rice flour
20g potato flour
1/2 tsp xanthum gum
25g lard chopped into 1cm cubes
50g margarine (I used Stork and Flora Freedom)
1 medium egg
20ml almond milk

1) Mix the flours and gum until nicely combined.

2) Rub the fat into the flour.

3) Beat the egg and milk together and add them to the mixture bit by bit until you have a slightly over sticky dough (don't worry the flour will absorb the liquid as it rests at step 5).

4) Knead until smooth.

5) Refrigerate for 15 minutes.

6) Turn the oven on to preheat 200C / 180C fan / gas mark 6.

6) Roll out ready for use with a little rice flour, place in a greased tin and refrigerate until the oven is ready.

8) Brush the surface with beaten egg and milk.

7) If you are making small items skip to number 8

8) If you are making one large item or a very wet one (e.g.quiche) you will need to blind bake the pastry. Cut a square of greaseproof paper big enough to cover the whole item. Weight it down with baking beads (or use coins, dried peas or another handy alternative) and cook for 10.15 minutes until it comes away easily.

9) Use as required!

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